Tuhfatud Durar – Commentary on Nukhbatul Fikr – Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri

Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri

Paperback, 122 pages
5.83 x 8.27 inch
Dar Ul Thaqafah

 Tuhfatud Darar is a commentary of the book Nukhbatul Fikr by Ibn Hajar Asqalani and deals with the Usools or Science of the principles of Hadith.

       The current work is a translation of “Tuhfatud Durar” by Allamah Saeed Ahmed Palanpuri which is a commentary of “Nukhbatul Fikar” and not “Nuzha tin Nazar Sharah Nukhbatul Fikar” which is taught in the Darul Ulooms. the translation of “Nukhbatul Fikar” is also part of the text.

    The subject matter is tedious for a lay person but good for a student and necessary for a scholar to know. However, any person reading will automatically conclude that the science and principle of Ahadeeth is a highly technical, super classified, totally systemised, extremely organized, well documented and a properly categorized field.

This book is also available on other websites, in case you cannot find it on the above link, we recommend you search on the internet as well.