The Battles of the Prophet (saw) [غزوات الرسول] – Ibn Kathir

Imam Ibn Kathir

Paperback, 220  pages
5.83 x 8.27 inch
Dar Ul Thaqafah

This Book is extracted from the Book of Imam Ibn Kathir ’Al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah’ one of the most important texts written about the History of the World until the time of the author. As with many Translation of Ibn Kathirs Works this is an Abridged version without impairing the contents of the book. All of the Prophet’s battles occurred after the Hijrah, within a span of ten years. The Prophet sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam had to fight in many of these battles. This book has a description of the Battles of Badr, ’Uhud, al Ahzab, Banu Quraizah, Al-Muraisi, Khaibar, Mu’tah, Conquest of Makkah, Hunain and Tabuk.

This book is also available on other websites, in case you cannot find it on the above link, we recommend you search on the internet as well.