Islamic Renaissance – The Real Task Ahead

Dr Israr Ahmad

Paperback, 41 pages
5.83 x 8.27 inch
Dar Ul Thaqafah

The contents of this monograph was first published in the editorial columns of the June, 1967 issue of Monthly “Meesaq”. Later on, in May 1968, it was published in booklet form by Darul- Ishat-e-Islamia, Lahore.  Since then it has been brought out many times.

In this monograph, the author have tried to present, to the best of my ability and comprehension, an in-depth analysis of the current religious and cultural attitude of Muslims all over the world. The author has also discussed the nature of various movements working for the renaissance of Islam, their achievements and their shortcomings.

On the basis of his analysis, he also suggests a basic programme. As an immediate concrete step towards the realization of an Islamic revival, the plan for the establishment of a Qur’an Academy has been presented in detail.

This book is also available on other websites, in case you cannot find it on the above link, we recommend you search on the internet as well.