Fawaaid Madaniyyah

Qari Muhammad Waliyullah MuzaffarNagri

Paperback, 92 pages
5.83 x 8.27 inch
Dar Ul Thaqafah

 It is Waajib to recite the noble Qur’aan with Tajweed. To recite contrary to Tajweed is an error and a sin, since the noble Qur’aan was revealed with Tajweed and  Allah  (Swt),  has instructed that it must be recited with Tajweed. In every era, there will always be those who will inform people about Allah’s ii, instruction with regard to Tajweed and there will always be those who teach the Qur’aan with Tajweed.

 Therefore, the excuse of a person in this world, that I was unaware of the compulsion of Tajweed or there is no one to teach Tajweed, will not be valid. Similarly, no excuse will be acceptable in the hereafter, in the court of Allah (swt),  . No one goes against the law of the country and then presents an excuse to the judge that: “I was unaware of it being against the law”! If such an excuse is presented, it will not be accepted, instead such a person will be considered ignorant and foolish and he will be punished.

 There are three methods of reciting the Qur’aan Kareem;

Tarteel: To recite in a slow pace. i.e. to lengthen the Madds to the duration of Tool, to stop at places which are classified as “Hasan”, a recitation which requires more time (and will be adopted) according to the situation (and availability of time).

 Tadweer: A moderate pace in which the Madds are lengthened to the Duration of Tawassut and the stops are at places which are classified as ”Kafi”. This method is recommended in Salaah etc.

 Hadar: To recite in a quick pace in which the Madds are recited with Qasr and one stops at places which are classified as “Taam”. This method is recommended in Taraweeh.

 All of the above methods are considered as Tarteel and the rules of Tajweed will apply to each of them.

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